Results for 'David Ramírez Plascencia'

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  1.  41
    Comunidades virtuales, nuevos ambientes mismas inquietudes: el caso de Taringa!David Ramírez Plascencia & José Antonio Amaro López - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    Las comunidades en línea han sido vistas como una nueva esfera social que coadyuva al surgimiento de procesos democráticos de forma más rápida y óptima, de lo que sucede en las relaciones del mundo físico. Sin embargo, los alcances y características de estas interacciones sociales aún están por verse. El propósito de este documento es discutir hasta qué punto la acción de los individuos en estas comunidades difiere del funcionamiento tradicional de cualquier comunidad ¿Hasta dónde los espacios virtuales cumplen con (...)
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  2.  82
    Bowing Gestures Classification in Violin Performance: A Machine Learning Approach.David Dalmazzo & Rafael Ramírez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  3.  3
    “Laicidad positiva” o una nueva reacción en contra de la modernidad ilustrada.Juan David Ramírez Echeverri - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (41):44-72.
    En las dos últimas décadas un sector de la doctrina colombiana y española ha acudido al término laicidad positiva para definir y explicar el modelo de Estado constitucional y democrático de derecho en cuanto al tratamiento de la religión. A partir de la teoría política, en este artículo se presenta una crítica a dicha postura, enmarcándola según los presupuestos de los que parten los autores que le adhieren el adjetivo positivo a la laicidad como reacción frente a la modernidad ilustrada. (...)
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    Confidencialidad en las historias clínicas digitales, análisis de la ley orgánica de protección de datos personales, Ecuador.Flavio David Ramírez Ortega & Jaime Arturo Moreno Martínez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240179.
    La confidencialidad en las historias clínicas digitales y datos personales de los usuarios del sistema de salud en Ecuador, es primordial, debido a que dentro del mismo se presenta con frecuencia problemas, debido al uso indebido de usuarios y contraseñas de los programas internos de manejo de datos, falta de capacitación, el incumplimiento de la normativa legal vigente, pérdida de dispositivos electrónicos, por parte del personal de cada casa de salud; por lo tanto es importante analizar el manejo de la (...)
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    Resonancia. Una sociología de la relación con el mundo, de Harmut Rosa (Alexis E. Gros, Trad.), 2020, Katz, 592 p.Juan David Ramírez Echeverri - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):413-422.
    Resonancia. Una sociología de la relación con el mundo es un libro ambicioso con el que Hartmut Rosa, retomando una obra anterior suya (Alienación y aceleración, 2016), presenta un balance negativo de la modernidad, en el sentido de que, en lugar de las promesas de progreso y perfectibilidad de la Ilustración, nos encontramos con un mundo en el que predomina una vida carente de sentido, con los consiguientes sentimientos de apatía, tristeza, angustia y desesperación. Como una alternativa frente al estado (...)
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  6.  47
    Evaluation of a Sound Quality Visual Feedback System for Bow Learning Technique in Violin Beginners: An EEG Study.Angel David Blanco & Rafael Ramirez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:411199.
  7. Símbolos inconscientes: apunte sobre el problema de la hermenéutica en el pensamiento tardío de Durkheim.Jorge Ramírez Plascencia - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (133):115-124.
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    Applying Deep Learning Techniques to Estimate Patterns of Musical Gesture.David Dalmazzo, George Waddell & Rafael Ramírez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Repetitive practice is one of the most important factors in improving the performance of motor skills. This paper focuses on the analysis and classification of forearm gestures in the context of violin playing. We recorded five experts and three students performing eight traditional classical violin bow-strokes: martelé, staccato, detaché, ricochet, legato, trémolo, collé, and col legno. To record inertial motion information, we utilized the Myo sensor, which reports a multidimensional time-series signal. We synchronized inertial motion recordings with audio data to (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Erwin V. Johanningmeier, Joseph Stetar, Nina Jemmott, James W. Wagener, Nobuo K. Shimahara, David Miyahara, Francisco O. Ramirez, Erskine S. Dottin, Edward R. Ducharme & Mary Gendernalik Cooper - 1990 - Educational Studies 21 (3):327-364.
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  10.  19
    En el origen de la novela corta del Siglo de Oro: Los Novellieri desde sus paratextos.David González Ramírez - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):813-828.
    Como complemento documental de otro artículo anterior publicado en Arbor, “En el origen de la novela corta del Siglo de Oro: los novellieri en España”, el que ahora ve la luz es una una antología, con una nota inicial indicando los criterios de selección y edición de una serie de censuras, prólogos y dedicatorias en los que se manifiestan los problemas de traducción de algunos pasajes de obras italianas difíciles de asimilar en la España de la Contrarreforma, se aprecian los (...)
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    Lévinas, Filósofo Judío.Jose David Ramirez Sanchez - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (103).
    La filosofía de Lévinas se inspira en las fuentes tradicionales del judaísmo, por más que apenas consienta que afloren a la superficie del discurso. De ahí la conveniencia de abordar su obra como un palimpsesto en el que operan dos niveles textuales, uno de ellos explícito y el otro velado. El Otro y el Mismo se relacionan entre sí según el modelo bíblico del vínculo YHWH-Israel: mientras que la Revelación inspira la epifanía del rostro, la Redención subyace a la reconstrucción (...)
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    En el origen de la novela corta del Siglo de Oro: los novellieri en España.David González Ramírez - 2011 - Arbor 187 (752):1221-1243.
    Este estudio presenta un panorama general sobre la recepción y el impacto en España de los novellieri que fueron traducidos al castellano. Se han abordado aquellos aspectos que reúnen más interés sobre los problemas bibliográficos y las cuestiones derivadas de las traducciones de las obras de Straparola, Guicciardini, Bandello y Giraldi Cinzio, aparecidas todas entre 1580 y 1590. Finalmente, se aporta una serie de sugerencias con las que habrá que contar para tratar de reconstruir con suficientes garantías ese capítulo liminar (...)
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    Good principles, badly applied: Logical and ethical inconsistencies in selecting Qatar as a venue for the WCB.David Shaw & Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (7):659-661.
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    Del autómata al personaje de animación: evolución de los sistemas de representación y reconocimiento del movimiento.Jesús Alejandro Guzmán Ramírez, Diego Felipe Ríos Arce & Juan David Aristizábal Gómez - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):67-100.
    A lo largo de la historia el ser humano ha sentido interés por el fenómeno del movimiento y su vínculo con la ilusión de vida; diferentes mecanismos y sistemas articulados se han construido con el fin de insuflar vida en seres inertes. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la cualidad móvil del acto creador presente en diferentes campos socioculturales, desde el misticismo hasta los avances tecnológicos. Se parte del enigma del anima, y su conexión con los creadores, denominados ejecutantes y sus (...)
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  15.  25
    Effects of Visual and Auditory Feedback in Violin and Singing Voice Pitch Matching Tasks.Angel David Blanco, Simone Tassani & Rafael Ramirez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Auditory-guided vocal learning is a mechanism that operates both in humans and other animal species making us capable to imitate arbitrary sounds. Both auditory memories and auditory feedback interact to guide vocal learning. This may explain why it is easier for humans to imitate the pitch of a human voice than the pitch of a synthesized sound. In this study, we compared the effects of two different feedback modalities in learning pitch-matching abilities using a synthesized pure tone in 47 participants (...)
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  16.  41
    Reparar la ofensa. Socio-fenomenología de la excusa.Johann Michel & David Alejandro Roa Ramírez - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (174):173-186.
    RESUMEN Este artículo explora si hay algún fundamento sólido para atribuir a Leonardo da Vinci prioridad en la formulación del símil que lleva a concebir el ojo como una cámara obscura. Aquí, se defiende una posición pesimista. No obstante, el artículo resalta algunos aportes del pintor renacentista que pueden considerarse contribuciones a la consolidación del símil. ABSTRACT The article explores whether there is any solid basis for attributing to Leonardo da Vinci the priority in formulating the simile that leads to (...)
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  17.  98
    Real-Time Sound and Motion Feedback for Violin Bow Technique Learning: A Controlled, Randomized Trial.Angel David Blanco, Simone Tassani & Rafael Ramirez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The production of good sound generation in the violin is a complex task that requires coordination and spatiotemporal control of bowing gestures. The use of motion-capture technologies to improve performance or reduce injury risks in the area of kinesiology is becoming widespread. The combination of motion accuracy and sound quality feedback has the potential of becoming an important aid in violin learning. In this study, we evaluate motion-capture and sound-quality analysis technologies developed inside the context of the TELMI, a technology-enhanced (...)
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  18.  36
    Navigating research ethics in the absence of an ethics review board: The importance of space for sharing.Cécile Giraud, Giuseppe Davide Cioffo, Maïté Kervyn de Lettenhove & Carlos Ramirez Chaves - 2018 - Research Ethics 15 (1):1-17.
    Ethics review committees have become a common institution in English-speaking research communities, and are now increasingly being adopted in a variety of research environments. In light of existing debates on the aptness of ethics review boards for assessing research work in the social sciences, this article investigates the ways in which researchers navigate issues of research ethics in the absence of a formal review procedure or of an ethics review board. Through the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, the article (...)
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  19.  25
    Justicia como tolerancia: una lectura de la migración venezolana acontecida actualmente en Colombia desde las teorías de la Justicia y la Tolerancia de Jacques Derrida y Jürgen Habermas.Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Juan Esteban Arenas Pérez, Herwin Andrés Corzo Laverde, Damaris Julieth Peña Neira, Diego Armando Jaimes Ramírez, Daniela Jerez Rueda & Diego Andrés Córdoba Carrero - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):249-273.
    El presente artículo pone en diálogo dos teorías sobre la justicia frente al fenómeno migratorio, específicamente, aquel que corresponde a la movilización masiva de ciudadanos venezolanos a Colombia desde el caso particular de la ciudad de Bucaramanga. Lo anterior tiene por objetivo proponer alternativas frente a los principales conflictos que han surgido con el choque cultural, político y económico que conlleva una movilización de esta envergadura en un país poco capacitado. Para conseguir esta meta, se proponen tres momentos; primero, se (...)
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  20.  40
    Giving Reasons: An Extremely Short Introduction to Critical Thinking, by David R. Morrow.Antonio Ramirez - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (1):78-80.
  21.  34
    Interacting Timescales in Perspective-Taking.Rick Dale, Alexia Galati, Camila Alviar, Pablo Contreras Kallens, Adolfo G. Ramirez-Aristizabal, Maryam Tabatabaeian & David W. Vinson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:320582.
    Through theoretical discussion, literature review, and a computational model, this paper poses a challenge to the notion that perspective-taking involves a fixed architecture in which particular processes have priority. For example, some research suggests that egocentric perspectives can arise more quickly, with other perspectives (such as of task partners) emerging only secondarily. This theoretical dichotomy–between fast egocentric and slow other-centric processes–is challenged here. We propose a general view of perspective-taking as an emergent phenomenon governed by the interplay among cognitive mechanisms (...)
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  22.  33
    Shareholder Activism on Climate Change: Evolution, Determinants, and Consequences.Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Paul A. Griffin, David H. Lont, Antonio J. Mateo-Márquez & Constancio Zamora-Ramírez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):481-510.
    We study 944 shareholder proposals submitted to 343 U.S. firms on climate change issues during 2009–2022. We use logistic and two-stage regression to estimate the propensity for a firm to be targeted or subjected to a vote at the annual general meeting and, for voted proposals, the determinants of that vote. We also examine whether climate-related proposals affect investor returns and how they relate to firms’ future environmental performance and greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to a matched sample, we first find (...)
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  23.  88
    Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Cutting Edge Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Neuromodulation, Neuroethics, Pain, Interventional Psychiatry, Epilepsy, and Traumatic Brain Injury.Joshua K. Wong, Günther Deuschl, Robin Wolke, Hagai Bergman, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Sameer A. Sheth, Helen M. Bronte-Stewart, Kevin B. Wilkins, Matthew N. Petrucci, Emilia Lambert, Yasmine Kehnemouyi, Philip A. Starr, Simon Little, Juan Anso, Ro’ee Gilron, Lawrence Poree, Giridhar P. Kalamangalam, Gregory A. Worrell, Kai J. Miller, Nicholas D. Schiff, Christopher R. Butson, Jaimie M. Henderson, Jack W. Judy, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Kelly D. Foote, Peter A. Silburn, Luming Li, Genko Oyama, Hikaru Kamo, Satoko Sekimoto, Nobutaka Hattori, James J. Giordano, Diane DiEuliis, John R. Shook, Darin D. Doughtery, Alik S. Widge, Helen S. Mayberg, Jungho Cha, Kisueng Choi, Stephen Heisig, Mosadolu Obatusin, Enrico Opri, Scott B. Kaufman, Prasad Shirvalkar, Christopher J. Rozell, Sankaraleengam Alagapan, Robert S. Raike, Hemant Bokil, David Green & Michael S. Okun - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    DBS Think Tank IX was held on August 25–27, 2021 in Orlando FL with US based participants largely in person and overseas participants joining by video conferencing technology. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 and provides an open platform where clinicians, engineers and researchers can freely discuss current and emerging deep brain stimulation technologies as well as the logistical and ethical issues facing the field. The consensus among the DBS Think Tank IX speakers was that DBS expanded in (...)
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  24.  74
    Lifetime Mental Health Problems in Adult Lower Secondary Education: A Student Survey.Maite Aznárez-Sanado, Raquel Artuch-Garde, Sarah Carrica-Ochoa, Carlos García-Roda, Araceli Arellano, David Ramírez-Castillo & Gonzalo Arrondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. Virtual Reality Interview (Metaphysics and Epistemology): "Welcome Back!".Erick Jose Ramirez & Miles Elliott - manuscript
    This is a virtual reality simulation that imagines its subject as emerging from a long stint in Robert Nozick's "Experience Machine." The simulation is an interview (with many branching paths) meant to gauge the subject's views on the metaphysics of virtual objects and the ethics of virtual actions. It draws heavily from the published work of David Chalmers, Mark Silcox, Jon Cogburn, Morgan Luck, and Nick Bostrom. *Requires an Oculus Rift (or Rift-S) or HTC Vive and a VR capable (...)
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  26.  38
    Teleology and the Problem of Bodily-Rights Arguments.Nicholas M. Ramirez - 2023 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 23 (1):83-97.
    In this paper I argue that teleology and a proper teleological analysis of the uterus is important for a comprehensive understanding of the rights of the unborn. I argue that a right to life entails the right to use those organs that naturally function for an individual’s survival. Consequently, an unborn child has a right to his mother’s uterus. If this is accepted, bodily-rights arguments for abortion such as those proposed by Judith Jarvis Thomson and David Boonin are completely (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Getting back in shape: Persistence, shape, and relativity.Jack Himelright & Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 110 (1):75-96.
    In this paper, we will introduce a novel argument (the “Region Argument”) that objects do not have frame-independent shapes in special relativity. The Region Argument lacks vulnerabilities present in David Chalmers' argument for that conclusion based on length contraction. We then examine how views on persistence interact with the Region Argument. We argue that this argument and standard four-dimensionalist assumptions entail that nothing in a relativistic world has any shape, not even stages or the regions occupied by them. We (...)
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  28.  61
    A. E. Ramírez Trejo: Aristóteles: Retórica. Introducción, traducción y notas. Pp. ccciv + 187. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2002. Paper, MXN 140 . ISBN: 968-36-9118-8. [REVIEW]David Konstan - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (2):567-567.
  29.  23
    El Mercado Verde en Latinoamérica y la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial.David Sánchez & Kevin Aguilar - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):40-44.
    El presente trabajo se enfocó a profundizar sobre el tema de las economías verdes y la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. A través de una investigación documental, se logró evidenciar que las economías verdes siguen estando muy poco desarrolladas en todas partes del mundo, donde Europa es la que más avances posee en dicho tema, quedándose Latinoamérica rezagada al respecto por problemas tecnológicos y de desarrollo. Sobre la responsabilidad social se pudo entender que la misma representa una piedra angular para el desarrollo (...)
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  30. Appearance in this list does not preclude a future review of the book. Where they are known prices are given either in $ US or in£ UK. Aberbach, David, Surviving Trauma: Loss, Literature and Psychoanalysis, London, Yale University Press, 1989, 203pp.,£ 16.95 Adams, Ian, The Logic of Political Belief, Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall, 1989, 168pp. [REVIEW]T. Airaksinei, M. Bertman, Garciadiego Alvarez, Ramirez Martinez-E., St Thomas Aquinas & Timothy McDermott - 1991 - Mind 100:397.
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  31. Internet como fuente de información con propósitos periodísticos en Venezuela.Hazel Mogollón de Ramírez & María Isabel Neuman de Sega - 2001 - Telos (Venezuela) 3 (3):324-344.
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  32. Horizons of a Philosopher Essays in Honor of David Baumgardt.Joseph Frank & David Baumgardt - 1963 - Brill.
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  33.  16
    Beyond Mechanism: The Universe in Recent Physics and Catholic Thought.David L. Schindler - 1986 - Upa.
    Examines the meaning of nature, or physics, in light of some of the central concerns of Catholic theology and philosophy. The papers presented here result from a conference which examined developments in twentieth-century physics, particularly as interpreted in the work of theoretical physicist David Bohm. Co-published with COMMUNIO International Catholic Review.
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    Reseña de" Théorie du Déterminisme Causal" de Miguel Espinoza.Alejandro Ramírez Figueroa - 2008 - Límite 3 (18):145-150.
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    Aristotle: Politics, Books V and Vi.David Keyt (ed.) - 1999 - Clarendon Press.
    David Keyt presents a clear and accurate new translation of the the fifth and sixth books of Aristotle's Politics, together with a philosophical and historical commentary. The Politics is a key document in Western political thought; it raises and discusses many political issues, theoretical and practical, which are still widely debated today. The major topics of these two books are equality, democracy, tyranny, revolution, and reform.
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  36.  20
    Vers une ontologie humaine intégratrice du handicap et de la fragilité en contexte évolutionniste.David Doat - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (3):549-583.
    David Doat | Résumé : Dans un contexte actuel où les questions relevant du domaine de l’éthique monopolisent une grande partie de l’activité philosophique en ce début de xxie siècle, cette étude souhaite démontrer que la thèse de la différence anthropologique et de la valeur inconditionnelle de toute personne humaine — quelles que puissent être ses fragilités — reste éminemment légitime et philosophiquement robuste en contexte évolutionniste. Pour y parvenir par une voie différant, sur le plan de la méthode, (...)
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    Visual culture and the forensic: culture, memory, ethics.David Houston Jones - 2022 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    David Houston Jones builds a bridge between practices conventionally understood as forensic, such as crime scene investigation, and the broader field of activity which the forensic now designates, for example performance and installation art, as well as photography. Contemporary work in these areas responds both to forensic evidence, including crime scene photography, and to some of the assumptions underpinning its consumption. It asks how we look, and in whose name, foregrounding and scrutinising the enduring presence of voyeurism in visual (...)
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  38.  19
    The Book of Shem: On Genesis Before Abraham.David Kishik - 2018 - Stanford University Press.
    In the most radical rereading of the opening chapters of Genesis since the Zohar, David Kishik reveals the post-secular and post-human implications of an ancient text that is part of our cultural DNA.
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  39. From secular institute to ecclesial movement: Conjunctions of the sacred and the secular in the twentieth century.David Ranson - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (2):133.
    Ranson, David Towards the end of his historic pontificate John Paul II recalled to the Church a theme which had been a constant in his teaching of thirty years: It is in this perspective that we see the value of all other vocations, rooted as they are in the new life received in the Sacrament of Baptism. In a special way it will be necessary to discover ever more fully the specific vocation of the laity, called 'to seek the (...)
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  40. Why Forgiving the Unrepentant is Not Demeaning or Insulting: A Reply to Wolterstorff.David Wright - 2019 - In Gregory L. Bock, The Philosophy of Forgiveness - Volume IV: Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness. Vernon Press. pp. 47-58.
    In “Why Forgiving the Unrepentant is not Demeaning or Insulting: A Reply to Nicholas Wolterstorff,” David E. Wright argues against Wolterstorff’s view in Justice in Love that it is wrong or impossible to forgive the unrepentant wrongdoer. In response to Wolterstorff’s claim that it is impossible to forgive the unrepentant, Wright presents the case of Timothy and Hubert, which seems to show that one can forgive the unrepentant and take the wrong seriously. In response to Wolterstorff’s claim that it (...)
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  41.  12
    How Ought War To Be Remembered in Schools?David Aldridge - 2014 - Impact 2014 (21):1-45.
    Each year a national day of commemoration of the war dead is celebrated on 11th November in the United Kingdom. Despite public controversy about the nature and purpose of remembrance, there has been no significant discussion of the role schools should play in this event. In this centenary year of the outbreak of the First World War, with the government planning to send groups from every secondary school in Britain to tour the battlefields of the western front over the next (...)
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    Hume: Reason and Experience.David Cockburn & Geoffrey Bourne - 1983
  43.  7
    Technology and the trajectory of myth.David Grant - 2017 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Edited by Lyria Bennett Moses.
    Important and original, this book presents an entirely new way of understanding Technology - as the successor to the dominant ideologies that have underpinned the thought and practices of the West. Like Deity, State and Market, Technology displays the features of a modern myth, promising to deal with our existential concerns by creating a fully empowered sense of the individual on condition of our subjection to it.David Grant and Lyria Bennett Moses examine the dynamics of each of these ideologies, (...)
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  44. Science, Order and Creativity Second Edition.David Bohm & F. David Peat - 2000 - Routledge.
    In Science, Order and Creativity, David Bohm and F. David Peat argue that science has lost its way in recent years and needs to go beyond a narrow and fragmented view of nature and embrace a wider holistic view that restores the importance of creativity and communication for all humanity - not just scientists. The result of a close collaboration by one of the 20th century's greatest physicists and thinkers, David Bohm, with leading science writer F. (...) Peat, provides a rare combination of profound reflection and clear exposition that can be appreciated by anyone concerned with science and its importance in our lives. This new edition includes a new preface and an extended additional chapter by Peat which draws upon further discussions with David Bohm before the latter's death in 1992. A fascinating diagnosis and considered proposal for a cure for science's ills, it is also very accessible entry point to the work of David Bohm. Bohm and Peat contend that science has lost its bearings in the last century in favour of a narrow, abstracted, fragmented approach to nature and reality. Tracing the history of science, Bohm and Peat offer intriguing new insights into how scientific theories come into being, how to eliminate blocks of creativity and how science can lead to a deeper understanding of society, the human condition and the human mind itself. (shrink)
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    Moral Objectives, Rules, and the Forms of Social Change.David Braybrooke - 1998 - University of Toronto Press.
    Assorted fruit from forty years' writing, these essays by David Braybrooke discuss (in Part One of the book) a variety of concrete, practical topics that ethical concerns bring into politics: people's interests; their needs as well as their preferences; their work and their commitment to work; their participation in politics and in other group activities. Essays follow on the justice with which theme matters are arranged for and on the common good in which they are consolidated. Justice here inspires (...)
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  46. Political viability and context Analysis: Choosing and initiating successful program evaluation projects.T. Green & A. Y. Ramirez - 2001 - Journal of Thought 36 (3):45-52.
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    The destroyed world and the guilty self: a psychoanalytic study of culture and politics.David P. Levine - 2019 - Oxfordshire [ England]: Phoenix Publishing House. Edited by Matthew H. Bowker.
    David Levine and Mathew Bowker explore cultural and political trends organized around the conviction that the world we live in is a dangerous place to be, that it is dominated by hate and destruction, and that in it our primary task is to survive by carrying on a life-long struggle against hostile forces. Their method involves the analysis of public fantasies to reveal their hidden meanings. The central fantasy explored is the fantasy of a destroyed world, which appears most (...)
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  48. Obsessive anti-AFA behaviour.David Nicholls - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 110 (110):20.
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    Paradise wild: reimagining American nature.David Oates - 2003 - Corvallis: Oregon State University Press.
    In Paradise Wild, David Oates addresses this and many other provocative questions as he explores the persistent myth of Eden from several different angles. As a lifelong mountaineer and reader of nature literature, as a scholar, as a descendant of naturalist William Bartram, and as a gay ex-Baptist who took to the mountains to test his masculinity, Oates has thought deeply about how nature and culture interact in our lives and about the contemporary debate over wilderness and environment. Paradise (...)
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    Efectos de la enfermedad de Parkinson en la percepción de aspectos temporales del habla.Alejandra Andrea Ramírez Quilape & Bernardo Riffo Ocares - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (1):29-39.
    La disminución de dopamina en los ganglios basales es la principal causa de la enfermedad de Parkinson. Además de las disfunciones motrices, los individuos con EP presentan alteraciones cognitivas que incluyen déficits de control atencional y temporal, de percepción del ritmo de la música y del habla, y de procesamiento del lenguaje. El circuito estriado-tálamo-cortical, participa en la comprensión musical y del habla. Personas con EP presentan problemas en distinguir las estructuras rítmicas por verse afectado el funcionamiento de los GB (...)
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